The management of the National Center for Personal Data Protection participated at the 62nd Plenary Session of the European Data Protection Board
The National Center for Personal Data Protection (NCPDP), for information purpose, communicates about the participation of National Center for Personal Data Protection management at the 62nd Plenary Session of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), which was held on-line, on 14 March 2021.
During the Plenary, the EDPB adopted several documents, among which:
· Guidelines on Art. 60 GDPR. The drafting of such guidance is part of the EDPB Strategy and Work Programme 2021-2022 to support effective enforcement and efficient cooperation between national supervisory authorities (SAs).
· Guidelines on dark patterns in social media platform interfaces. The guidelines offer practical recommendations to designers and users of social media platforms on how to assess and avoid so-called “dark patterns” in social media interfaces that infringe on GDPR requirements.
· A toolbox on essential data protection safeguards for enforcement cooperation between EEA and third country SAs. This contributes to one of the key actions of the EDPB Strategy and Work Programme 2021-2022 and aims to facilitate the engagement between EDPB members and the SAs of third countries. The toolbox covers key topics, such as enforceable rights of data subjects, compliance with data protection principles and judicial redress.
· A joint EDPB-EDPS opinion on the proposals to extend the Digital COVID Certificate by up to 12 months. The subject will continue to be discussed at the next Plenary Session.
The NCPDP, as national supervisory authority for personal data processing, emphasizes the importance of the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the Plenary Sessions organized by the EDPB, as well as the weight of adopted documents.